Photos of the world of Rondout Valley agriculture. 

This is the special sparkly sticker you get if you collect all the stickers

This is the special sparkly sticker you get if you collect all the stickers


First, get the map

Pick up a beautiful, free folding map at participating farms, from brochure racks all over Ulster and Dutchess counties or you can contact us (we're happy to give you bunches or a rack if you want to distribute to others).

Next, explore the farms

There are so many kinds of farms in the Rondout Valley--vegetable, fruit, dairy, flower, herb, livestock, nursery, tree, seed and horse farms. Each is very different. There are traditional farms that are centuries old, and there are new, innovative farms that are just getting established. Here is a link to the Google map where you can see the farm's addresses, hours of operation, websites and more.  

Then, meet amazing farmers

You will love meeting some of the most powerful and creative people in the valley. It takes a very special person to be a farmer, someone strong enough to work beyond sun up to sundown (especially during the long days of summer) yet smart enough to know when, where and how to grow thriving plants and animals. 

Don't forget to collect stickers

Each farm has a unique, theme-shaped sticker for you, as you add them your map will become more colorful and amazing. Each sticker tells a story about the farm you're visiting.

Finally, reap rewards!

As you visit each farm, you will have small and large adventures--and collect great stories to tell and photos, too! Share them on our Facebook page, on Instagram (#stick2local), or by email. When you collect 10 stickers, you will receive 4 Homegrown Mini-Golf passes and a Stick to Local Farms Cookbook (a 25.00 value). When you collect all the stickers you can get a fancy sparkly completion sticker and a market basket of farmy treats and products (priceless!). Just  send us a photo of yourself and your map with your name and address to get your rewards.

Stick to Local Farms Cookbook

The Stick to Local Farms Cookbook is filled with easy, delicious, healthy recipes for locally grown fruit and vegetables. Seasonally organized with flexible recipes that adapt to what you find at your local farmers market or in your own garden.

The Stick to Local Farms Cookbook is a wonderful idea and a great accomplishment—I am going to put the rhubarb soup on the menu this weekend! Maria gathers her thoughts just as one gathers ingredients to prepare a delicious meal, distinguishing the seasons in presentation and format. Reading this book is like talking food to her in person. I love it!
— John Novi, chef and owner, Depuy Canal House, High Falls, NY